Welcome to twelvesquared

The virtual home of artist, Ronald Gross. You have dared to be squared. Come on in and feast your eyes.

The Art of Ronald Gross

You have arrived at twelvesquared.com. You may have stumbled here by accident or intentionally have come to visit, either way, you have dared to be squared.

Check out the various galleries (click on the links to the left), read up on the latest TwelveSquared news, read the latest drawing article on Drawing From My Experience, and find out more (about me). Whatever you do keep an open mind and enjoy yourself.

Interested in buying one of my art pieces? Shoot me an email.

Favorite Art quotes:

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have”

-Maya Angelou

News Update

Every year I put forth a crayon art journaling challenge called The Crayonuary 30-day challenge. It’s a mixture of crayons, automatic drawing, and journaling all wrapped up in one.

I started doing this 6 years ago and I haven’t stopped. This simple exercise helps me kick-start my creative juices in the morning before I start work and puts my mind at ease. Plus, it only takes 10-15 minutes to do. You don’t have to be an artist or a creative to do it, it’s just simple automatic drawing using crayons. Want to know more?

This year is extra special because Linda Chido Art is sponsoring it, with crayon manufacturers, Color Swell, Stockmar Crayons, and Caran d’ Ache. Also, we have created a Crayonuary® 30-Day Challenge journal, a PDF version is available and a paperback version is available on Amazon.

Sign up at the Buda Public Library for the Crayonuary kick-off workshop. We’ll get you started on your crayon journal and you’ll take home some free crayons from our amazing sponsors.

I was at the Buda Public Library on December 6th giving a live demo on intuitive drawing. Thank you to all the wonderful people who braved the cold, wet weather to join me. If you bought one of my books, thank you!

Announcing the release of my new book!

My guide to intuitive drawing is finally finished and available to purchase on Amazon.com.

Ronald conducts talks, demos, and events. Contact him for availability.