International Dot Day: Celebrating Creativity and Courage Through Intuitive Drawing

Make Your Mark

International Dot Day, celebrated annually on September 15th, is a global event dedicated to fostering creativity, bravery, and self-expression. This day is inspired by The Dot, a children’s book written and illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds, which tells the story of a young girl named Vashti. Through a simple act of making a dot on paper, Vashti embarks on a journey of self-discovery, confidence, and artistic expression. Her teacher encourages her to “make her mark” and see where it takes her, a message that resonates deeply with creative practices like intuitive drawing.

The Story Behind International Dot Day

Reynolds’ The Dot was first published in 2003, and its message of overcoming fear and self-doubt through small creative acts struck a chord with educators, parents, and children. In 2009, a teacher named Terry Shay introduced his classroom to the book on September 15th, and from that moment, Dot Day was born. Since then, it has grown into a worldwide celebration that encourages people of all ages to embrace their creativity and “make their mark.”

The Role of Intuitive Drawing in Dot Day

At the heart of International Dot Day is the concept of intuitive drawing—creating art without rigid rules or expectations. Intuitive drawing allows individuals to express themselves freely, following their instincts rather than adhering to a preconceived plan. This aligns perfectly with the philosophy behind The Dot, where a simple, seemingly insignificant mark on a page leads to boundless creativity and personal growth.

What is Intuitive Drawing?

Intuitive drawing is an artistic process that emphasizes spontaneity, flow, and emotional expression. It is not about perfecting a technique or producing a specific result but about allowing the hand to move freely across the page, following inner impulses. This form of drawing can help unlock creativity, reduce stress, and promote mindfulness, making it an ideal activity for anyone, regardless of their artistic background. 

I’m happy to announce that I have authored a comprehensive guide to Intuitive drawing soon to be published. Stay tuned on twelvesquared and my social channels for when it will be available to buy on

How Dot Day Encourages Intuitive Drawing

On International Dot Day, participants are encouraged to explore the simple act of making a dot, just like Vashti in The Dot. But the magic lies in what follows that initial step. A single dot can evolve into intricate patterns, abstract shapes, or even a larger creative vision. It invites individuals to let go of the fear of “not being good enough” and just create. The absence of rules allows for an intuitive, open-ended approach to drawing—perfect for beginners and seasoned artists alike.

Whether in classrooms, studios, or homes, people are encouraged to experiment with various tools and materials—pens, pencils, markers, paints, or even digital mediums—to bring their dots to life. Each dot is a unique representation of personal creativity, and each participant’s journey begins the moment they put a mark on the page.

Why Dot Day Matters for Creativity and Confidence

Creativity is often stifled by self-criticism, fear of failure, or the pressure to conform to artistic standards. Dot Day provides an antidote to these challenges by celebrating the joy of starting small and allowing creativity to flow naturally. It serves as a reminder that every great work of art, invention, or achievement begins with a single step—a dot, a line, or an idea.

Through intuitive drawing, Dot Day nurtures several key qualities in participants:

Confidence: The act of creating, without judgment or comparison, builds self-confidence. By starting with something as simple as a dot, participants are reminded that all creative journeys begin somewhere.

Courage: For many, the blank page is intimidating. Dot Day encourages people to face that fear by making their mark. The process of intuitive drawing removes the pressure of “getting it right” and replaces it with a sense of adventure.

Playfulness: Intuitive drawing, much like Dot Day itself, taps into a playful and exploratory mindset. It’s not about perfection, but about embracing the process and seeing where it takes you.

Mindfulness: Drawing intuitively can be a meditative experience. It requires focusing on the moment, letting go of distractions, and allowing creativity to emerge naturally. This mindful practice is a powerful way to connect with oneself and the present moment.

How to Participate in Dot Day Through Intuitive Drawing

Getting involved in International Dot Day is simple, and it starts with the act of creating a dot. Here are a few ways you can celebrate Dot Day through intuitive drawing:

Start with a Dot: Take a piece of paper and make a single dot in the center. From there, let your hand move freely. You might expand that dot into a swirling pattern, a mandala, or an abstract design. Let go of expectations and simply enjoy the process of creating.

Collaborate with Others: Dot Day is all about community. Try engaging in a collaborative drawing where multiple people contribute to a single dot-based artwork. Each person can add their own intuitive lines, shapes, or colors, resulting in a collective masterpiece that reflects everyone’s unique creativity.

Explore Different Materials: Experiment with different tools to see how they affect your drawing. Use pencils, ink, charcoal, or even digital tools like drawing tablets or apps. Intuitive drawing doesn’t need to be limited to traditional media.

Share Your Work: Part of the magic of Dot Day is sharing your creativity with others. Post your intuitive drawings on social media using the hashtag #DotDay, or create an art display in your school, community center, or workplace. Seeing other people’s interpretations of the dot can be incredibly inspiring.

International Dot Day is a celebration of creativity, courage, and the transformative power of making your mark—no matter how small or simple it may seem. Through the practice of intuitive drawing, Dot Day invites people of all ages to tap into their inner artist and explore the infinite possibilities that arise from a single dot. In a world that often values perfection and outcomes, Dot Day is a refreshing reminder to embrace the creative journey, trust your instincts, and above all, make your mark.

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